
Body Champ Deluxe Gravity Inversion Table - Fan Gear

Body Champ Deluxe Gravity Inversion Table

Body Champ Deluxe Gravity Inversion Table
From Body Max

Inversion Therapy counteracts the forces of gravity on the body (particularly the back) by decompressing and elongating the spine. This relieves pressure on your spinal cord’s ligaments and nerve roots. In essence, Inversion Therapy reverses the negative effects of gravity. Using the Body Champ Inversion Table for just 10 minutes a day will allow you to be on your way to improved circulation and posture while relieving muscle aches, back pain and stress. This Deluxe Inversion Table has an extra strong 2-inch diameter mainframe with both the 'hand rails' and 'handle bars' for user convenience and safety. The unique separate adjustable headrest design allows users of all sizes be able to set his or her head comfortably on the headrest. This unit also provides double protection with a strap and a safety bar.

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