
Converse All Star Core Hi Classic Infants - Fan Gear

Converse All Star Core Hi Classic Infants

Converse All Star Core Hi Classic Infants
From Converse

I've been looking for a great looking shoe that my toddler can't take off. These are perfect. Since they're high tops, I lace them up all the way, double knot them, and I don't have to worry about him losing a shoe in the store. The only problem with Chuck Taylors are that they're somewhat difficult to put on my son's wide feet. I can tell that they're fine and comfortable once I put them on him, but I have to spend a lot of time loosening up and re-tightening the laces. I did go a size larger than my son's normal shoe size because his feet are kind of wide, and they fit perfectly. Really, you can't go wrong with Chucks.

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