
Teeter Hang Ups F5000 Inversion Table - Fan Gear

Teeter Hang Ups F5000 Inversion Table

Teeter Hang Ups F5000 Inversion Table
From Teeter Hang Ups

We were a little worried about hanging upside down from something we built ourselves that was shipped in the mail, but this thing is great and rock solid. Plus it was very easy to build, folds up small enough to put in a storage closet, and most importantly, it works great. Both my fiance and myself have different back issues, and this table really does wonders for both of us. It took about two weeks to get used to hanging fully inverted but now I try to do it at least once a day for 5 minutes or so and its great. I highly recommend it.

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Tag : Teeter Hang Ups F5000 Inversion Table,Fan Gear,Teeter Hang Ups